Would you buy a product which has only five star reviews? I recently wanted to buy a new ring light. I’m no expert in ring lights, so I was looking at ratings and reviews. Then it dawned on me: Perhaps […]
Would you buy a product which has only five star reviews? I recently wanted to buy a new ring light. I’m no expert in ring lights, so I was looking at ratings and reviews. Then it dawned on me: Perhaps […]
What to do with talented team members which are toxic? Talented toxic team members are team members which add massive specific value, but exhibit behaviors which jeopardize team performance. This is the Steve Jobs dilemma: He had a grating personality, […]
Courage often comes from ignorance. When Columbus was looking into a Western route to Asia, he deliberately ignored the scientific consensus at the time: In view of the estimated radius of the earth, the voyage would simply take too long […]
Most of us are familiar with the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Yet, an even more important rule for high performance leadership is the silver rule: Don’t do to others, what you don’t want others to […]
If teams want to perform at their best, there are three critical conversations which need to take place. One conversation is about energy, the other is about autonomy, and the final conversation is about clarity. 1. The energy conversation A […]