You have 30 seconds to draw in the audience at the start of your meeting, speech, or presentation. Frankly, I don’t know if 30 seconds is always true. In my experience, it’s even less than that. There are three strategies […]
You have 30 seconds to draw in the audience at the start of your meeting, speech, or presentation. Frankly, I don’t know if 30 seconds is always true. In my experience, it’s even less than that. There are three strategies […]
As with many things in life, the key to improve is to avoid making mistakes. If you want to turn your next presentation into a memorable performance, make sure you don’t misstep on the following: The Opening Act The Presentation […]
How do you ace your next presentation to a group of decision makers? A powerful strategy to pass this challenge successfully is to use the rules of 30-20-10-1. These rules are as follows:
Marcus Tullius Cicero once said that brevity is a great charm of eloquence. Nowadays, it’s common to confuse brevity with shallowness: The multitude of TikTok videos which explain an easy path to become rich is a testament to this. How can you be […]
Think of the last bad presentation pitch you had to listen too. Why was it so bad? My guess is that the pitch was about them, not you. The favorite subject of anyone is themselves. A close second are techniques […]
In the past decade, I have done hundreds of keynotes as a professional speaker. I have learned several simple techniques on how to quickly make a professional impression as a speaker, even if you only speak occasionally to larger groups: […]